Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SCB12201103GCT Update

The fry from this spawn are doing well. They are about the 3-4 week size by the fry growth chart by Wayne's This and That. This is a bit too small to photograph properly.

At about 2 weeks of age, we had a velvet outbreak due to the fluctuation in heat from a faulty heater. I used Aquarisol to treat it and all fry survived the ordeal. I think it set them back a bit as far as growth goes.

Something I didn't expect from this spawn! The majority are double tails! I would not have expected the female to have carried double tail due to her small dorsal fin.

SCB12201102LMHM Update

The fry from this spawn are doing well. They are between the 3 and 5 week size based on the fry growth chart by Wayne's This and That. That's still a bit too small to photograph well with my camera.

We had a bit of a scare issue when the heater crashed and I needed to move them to a new tank. They suffered a bit of a temperature shock as they went down to 73F and had to be brought back up to 80F. Luckily, I only lost one to this.

I had expected to have some copper due to both parent's genetics, but it seems like most of them will be copper.

SCB12201101LBGB update

These fry are now 1 month 1 week old. According to the fry growth chart at Wayne's This and That, they are right on track with their sizes ranging between the 3-5.5 week size. Fry often do grow at different rates within the same spawn, so I am not worried. They are still a bit too small to photograph.

They are eating well on bbs.

I notice the fry have characteristics which I wouldn't have expected. Crossing two dark bodied fish, I would have expected all or at least most of the fry to also be dark bodied. You can tell if a fish is light or dark bodied when they are still very small. Instead there are some extremely light bodied fish and only a few dark bodied fish. I am also noticing a red wash in some of the fish which was unexpected.