Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What would you like an article about?

I can talk about fish for ages. This often causes problems because then I don't know where to start!

What would you like to see a post about? If I don't know, I'll be glad to research for you! Keep the posts generally fish related ;)

Fishroom changes

I've been trying to keep my betta count down to a manageable amount so that I had the space to also move around my tanks and furniture in the basement. I want to get rid of a lot of solitary tanks on stands so that I can rearrange an area to be a sitting area where I can just read a book and listen to the sound of water flowing. So far this has worked out.

I broke down the female sorority and got rid of the girls I wasn't going to be able to use. This freed up my shelf of a 20L, which then turned into 4 10 gallon tanks. Two of these tanks already have fry in them from my CT spawns and from my surprise angelfish spawn. The other two tanks need cleaned a bit but will then be used as breeding tanks. I'll have on that shelf a 20L growout and 4 breeding tanks. Above that will be adult jars. I also have two 20 gallon tanks that will eventually become growouts as well. If I have any massive spawns, I might just have to break out the 40 breeder I have in the garage. Usually my spawns stay small though.

I have purchased the majority of things needed to make a betta barracks! For those of you unfamiliar with the term, this is a system that keeps multiple betta jars on one filtration unit. Most betta barracks are drip/overflow systems. This means that the fresh water drips into the jar and the old water overlfows out an overflow hole. Often then gutter is used to transport the old water to the sump where it is filtered, heated, and pumped back up to the jars. This is the kind of system I'll be making. I've got everything but the gutter, UV filter, and air line valves. I've ordered the airline valves from Wet Pets and Friends and they should be ready for me to pick up! I plan on stopping by on Friday night to get them.

First post!

I'm going to try and keep this blog going and up to date with things like spawn information, product reviews and tips and tricks. I had a hard time keeping my website going because it wasn't entirely obvious that anyone was even reading what I was writing. With this, I'll be able to read your feedback and know what it is pehttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifople want to know!

Thanks for taking a look!

You can still access the old website at www.steelcitybettas.com. I just had trouble editing the site and have a lot of pages that are invisible as they are under construction. I hope to eventually move these pages into informational pages on that site again.